Rover Bulletin No. 9

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NUMBER NINE     29th May 1942

At long last we have now received copies of the Rover Photo. Your photo was very wee George but it was the only one you could give us. We hope you will all find space on the wall for the photo. Take down one of the lovelies. It has rained recently and the grass is shooting high. We are still indebted to Mr. Frier for keeping the garden spic and span. Aberdour Cottages still look dandy but the poor old tree has seen too many Summers. The Scouts were over twice and we went over last week-end with Jim. Mr Dickie has had a return of his leg trouble and his sister Cissie has broken her leg. When will their troubles cease.All our student members are right in the thick of exams we don’t see them often. Unfortunately the 4th. lost in thefirst round of the five-a-sides to the 17th.

Jim As mentioned in P.S. in last months Bulletin Jim is away from Edinburgh doorstep and is now stationed a few miles from a Camp in Yorkshire. He is not finding work any more arduous and can still take his meals. Also he still prefers Scotsmen to English twirps. He’s just away today after ten days leave which time was very. well filled with visits etc.

Chorty He is now back from Gib. and visited Loves Abode these last two Fridays. He is as full of beans and ideas as ever and one of his ideas will prove of great assistance to the economics of running this Bulletin. Congrats on your 21st birthday yesterday Here’s hoping you see. your 121st.

David He has entered the semi-final of the matrimonial stakes as he is now engaged to a Miss Joan Spender, Spinster, of Brighton. Best of luck and all good wishes to you both ( But what is wrong with a Scots Girl?)

Tommy T. Has been home for another ten days leave, and paid an early visit to us. He is still waiting to be posted overseas. Hurry up Tam

Eck. Report on Eck’s Diary received last month and written six thousand feet up in Transvaal. He is now Corporal and has undergone an S.P. training course. While in Johannesburg he met accidentally Albert Swan’s sister Flo. He spent six months looking after officers Mess Bar. He sends best wishes to James Jones, Marion and Baby. Asks bluntly “Who married Bogie?” Answer – An Aberdeen lass by the name of Lorenza Duthie. Being an S.P. he is chief chucker-out and detective etc. for the Corporals Mess. The more he sees of women the more he likes the Rovers – oh yeah!!!

James Jones We have received letter in which he thanks us for our letters to him and also photo of J.B.F. He Says “I’m Commandant here and believe me Jerry is a hard nut to crack at times, but the Camp is quite comfortable” He’s working hard on the railway wielding a pick, but finds time to play Soccer and keep fit. He too looks forward to the Victory Show.

Murray Received Airgraph from him which was written as our April Bulletin went to press. He is still in the desert and has little variety from killing fleas, rats and vermin (Germans included we hope)

Andy. Has now returned the correct light to the big room of the Cottage and attended meeting on 22nd May 1942 when Jim was here. Mark the Calendar.

Nibbie. Is welcome visitor tonight and is now in the League as a father. Kenneth John was born on 12th May – may make a personal appearance next week. His arrival now makes the score 6 boys and 4 girls. What about it you ones at the foot of the League? Joking apart – congratulations Nibbyl

B. P. MEMORIAL FUND As you may have heard – a request to create a fund to purchase a permanent memorial ( possibly an International House in London) to B. P. has been made some time ago. There is a clamour now for us to do something – seriously. We are now urgently needing ideas for making funds. A show had we been all at home, would have been THE thing but now with with only a very few left we’ll have to fall back on all m sorts of odd ways – plant selling, stick breaking – remember. Think very hard please and send any help you can. Main effort by end of September is desired.

FORT HOLDERS NEWS. George S. is certain to be called up In July. No change with the others. Duggie definite till October. Sandy same.

Visitors. Bob,John B, Gilbert, Tommy T, Chorty, and Jim. Mr. Hazel, Nibbie.

© 104th Edinburgh North East Scout Group