4th Leith Rover Bulletins – Jargon, References & Abbreviations

Airgraph – Letters were photographed at the sending end. The negatives were then flown to the destination, printed and delivered.A.P.O. – Army Post Office

A.S. – Air Staff

ATS – Auxiliary Territorial Service – The women’s branch of the army

ARP – Air Raid Precautions

Ballah – RAF Ballah, located at El Ballah, Egypt

Basothos – Ethnic group in Southern Africa

Beaverbrook – Lord Beaverbrook, Minister for aircraft production and owner of the Daily Express

Beveridge Plan – Published in November 1942 the Beveridge Report provided the blueprint for social policy in post-war Britain. 

Bergmann – Richard Bergmann was a British International table tennis player

B.L.A. – British Liberation Army

Bosche – Germans

C.B. Cochran – Theatrical manager and impresario. He produced some of the most successful musical revues, musicals and plays of the 1920s and 1930s, becoming associated with Noël Coward and his works.

Charlie Portal – Sir Charles Portal was Chief of the Air Staff

C.M.F. – Central Mediterranean Force

C.O. – Commanding Officer

Cymbalist – A musician that plays the cymbals.

Demarcos – ?

E.N.S.A. – Entertainment National Service Association

F/O – Flight Officer

Fulltons Garage – Garage in South Trinity Road until ‘70s

George Formby – Popular entertainer

Gerry – Germans

G.S.M. – Group Scout Master

G.T.C. – Girls Training Corps

Gyppo – I don’t know what this refers to. Apart from a slang term for Gypsy, I can’t find anything

H.M.A. – Ship of the Royal Australian Navy

Huns – Germans

I.T.W. – Initial Training Wing (RAF)

Jerry – Germans


L5 – Stinson  L-5 Sentinel, affectionately known as the “Flying Jeep”

Longmoor – Army training camp in Hampshire

L.A.C. – Leading Aircraftman

L.T. – Lieutenant

M.E.F. – Middle East Force

Mepacrine – Anti -malarial drug

Mr Bevin – Ernest Bevin, served as Minister of Labour and National Service in the war-time coalition government.

Molocco -?

N.C.O. – Non Commissioned Officer

N.F.S. – National Fire Service. Created in 1941

Offlag 4 – Prisoner of War Camp

Old Joe –  Stalin

OCU; OCTU – Officer (Cadet) Training Unit

P.A.D.O. – Parades and Drill Officer?

P.C. – Postcard

Piforce – Persia and Iraq Command

Pip – Colloquial name for the stars worn on military uniform as part of rank badge.

Pipper – Officer

P.O.W. – Prisoner of War

P.M.G. – Post Master General

P.T. – Physical Training (Officer) or Patrol Torpedo Boat

Qastina – RAF Qastina was a Royal Air Force station in British Mandate Palestine between 1942 and 1948. In 1948 it became the Israeli Air Force’s Hatzor Airbase.

P.U. – Pick Up

Pexy the Peashooter – ?

P.W.D. – Public Works Department

R.A.F. – Royal Air Force

RASC – Royal Army Service Corps

R.A.O.C. – Royal Army Ordnance Corps

R.E.M.E. – Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

R.N.V.R. – Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

R.S.M. – Regimental Sergeant Major

S.A. – South Africa

S.M. – Scoutmaster

Sabu – Sabu Dastagir, Indian Film Actor?

S.E.A.C. – South East Asia Command

Swad – a loutish person

Sursum Corda – Latin: “Lift up your hearts” or literally, “Lift hearts” is the opening dialogue to the Preface of the Eucharistic Prayer or Anaphora in the liturgies of the Christian Church, dating back at least to the third century and the Anaphora of the Apostolic Tradition.

Three Pipper – Captain

Tor Wooloe – (Torwoodlee, A Borders Estate?) 

Toc H –  an international Christian movement. The name is an abbreviation for Talbot House

Tiffy – Nickname given to an Instrumentation Technician in the Navy

Green Button Club – ?

Pegs Paper – Peg’s Paper was a women’s magazine published weekly. It ran from 1919-1940

S.F.T.S. – Service Flying Training School

Vans Dunlop Scholarship

V.C. – Victoria Cross

V.E. – Victory in Europe

V.J. – Victory in Japan

W.A.A.F. – Women’s Auxiliary Air Force 

W.V.S. – Woman’s Voluntary Service

8th Scout Law –  A SCOUT SMILES AND WHISTLES under all circumstances.