Rover Bulletin No. 3 PDF download 4th LEITH ROVERS’ BULLETIN NUMBER THREE 28th Nov. 1941 STOP PRESS NEWS COTTAGE BURGLED Over Saturday night (16th inst.) some guy(s) broke into the cottage and left a helluva mess. When calling in to get letters on the Sunday Sandie found McNicol’s door open and then the cottage window broken. On entering the place was steaming hot & lights fused, Police were called and spent rest of morning investigating and removing evidence for finger prints. The culprit (s) had evidently spent the night and had used our best velvet front curtains for sheets and pillows in front of the fire. Biscuits were scattered round the curtains and the contents of both chests of drawers were emptied in both rooms. The carpet was soaked with Kola, Lemonade and “other liquids”. Charred paper was trailed everywhere and it was discovered that all your letters were used as spills. Owing to this we cannot reply to all your queries. Guess what they pinched – All the dishes, bread plates and milk jug included also all the teaspoons. For some reason they left the knives and forks. R.J.D. immediately offered to replace them but quota restrictions makes them unobtainable for a while. They left behind a tin of anti-gas ointment and a packet of eye shields from a service respirator, an open and a safety razor having shaved in a mixture of Kola and Lime-juice. (Water had been turned off for frost). Everyone had to report on the Monday for finger prints but so far me we’ve no news of any catch. Robbie cleaned the whole place up – some job! and now we are back to normal. David Clark was home on 7 days leave but we didn’t see him. What went wrong David? We still keep the place open on Friday nights John Baird called too, looking fighting fit and is still near at hand. We hear the Kirk parcels are despatched and hope they will all arrive O.K. Jim was home last weekend for his first 48 hours leave and gave us the lowdown on his new life. He has had his vocabulary enlarged and is up to the eyes in it learning learning learning, He was pleased with the way we are managing to carry on. Robbie, Jack and Sandie accompanied him back to join his bus at Glasgow and altogether a good time was had by all. Roll on the leaves. We want to see you all. Send us us letter you chaps who haven’t written. Chortie is now a bombardier, full of beans and writes amusing letters. Carry on Chortie. Price 12/6d each. All sold For Murray “You will be interested to hear that Betty of Ashley – is on the loose again – why not drop her a note. Misses spot of home leave. Dick Has not received first Bulletin yet. Took part in big inspection on Rock – two days hard blankoing, polishing etc. Ian has his second stripe and is called “Bombar Darling” by his lady friends. Thank goodness I’m a woman hater! Even full bosomed Spanish wenches don’t worry me – much. Have got new issue of blankets – couldn’t sleep for first night or two owing to strange clean odour. Tommy T. Working very hard – met Jim – great stuff. Can we have your photo. Murray. Cheery Airgraph burned by burglars – curse it – Sends best wishes to all the lads from the Sands of The Desert. Stuff to give ’em Mus! Johnnie T. Doing a good deal of flying solo – all the stunts and enjoying it fine. Great Stuff – happy landing. Eddie sends greetings to all. Is still minding the nation’s pennies but expects change next March. He tried to get into Navy but Banks thinks not. Delighted to so the lads on leave and especially Bill at West End AS THES WILL BE THE LAST BULLETIN BEFORE CHRISTMAS WE WISH YOU THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON – HEARTY GREETINGS FOR 1942 – TATTIE PEELANS AND AW THAT AND WE HOPE THAT BEFORE NEXT CHRISTMAS YOUR VACANT PLACES ROUND THE TABLE WILL BE FILLED. HERE’S TAE US – WHA’S LIKE US, © 104th Edinburgh North East Scout Group