Rover Bulletin No. 17 PDF download 4th LEITH ROVERS’ BULLETIN NUMBER SEVENTEEN 29th January, 1943. Dear Lads, Here goes for our first issue for 1943 and we feel that to get something fresh would be welcome indeed. So the editorial staff has decided to try its hand at writing articles in an attempt to make our material more readable. On review we have been very matter of fact and scrappy. We can’t promise any wonderful journalism but we realise that we have a few valuable factors entirely unused. Here we are, all lads bung in the middle of war duties and four fifths of us away from home – some very far away. Yes we know we write letters to one another and you write letters to your home. We learn of each others change of rank, or post or diet for breakfast – bald facts – but if we had our way would we not all want a jolly good blether together round our own Cottage fire just to learn, in addition, what we are all thinking about. We used to cherish these yarns very much. Let’s have a, crack at it and so burnish each other for things to come. Let’s preserve our own free expression corner and offset the ‘You’re not expected to think! brigade’ The settling down again and the regaining of a larger share of happiness will be oiled and pleasantly aided by wider views and keener thinking. You bet we will want our say in the making of conditions we look forward to so let’s make good use of our little Bulletin. We may be in rather a good position for this very object, for who amongst us have not felt that we always retain a worthwhile spirit. We never claimed all of a Rover’s time but can we say that the part he gave was valuable for good balance. All papers have their political policy. Can we just retain our policy of free expression and good comradeship? To write this way we believe calls for one person to edit, and to open up this is Sandy speaking in this section. At every turn just now planning is uppermost with Social Security and the Beveridge Plan heading the list, with the result that a presence of top-heaviness exists. Substantial continuation of controls after the war for nobody cares to say how long, are said to be inevitable. These may be necessary but what about the personal problem which no scheme will ever clear away? – the attitude to adopt in earning a living under the schemes – the vastness and far removed control drowning personal endeavour – the view of a common pool to draw from but with no special stress on the putting in to – first, through the control on energies the cuteness developed in getting round the regulations, Wealth in the economic sense certainly includes personal uprightness and personal happiness (read Rovering to Success) therefore those must not be lessened in any way or we lessen our share. What do you say? Need we maintain a good home for the growth of these fundamentals on which the success of all the schemes depend? What is going to maintain our personal vigour? In a letter received from Jim he writes as follows :- ‘I had the good fortune to get my leave at New Year (no wise-cracks – I did not clean the C.O’s windows. It wasn’t a wangle – I was the only one who wanted that time. Now you tell one) I will have to write a book on how to get your leave when you want it. You will be glad to know that the Rovers at home are full of enthusiasm about making the Bulletin a bigger success than ever and have been trying to collect new ideas for our benefit. I think all of us away from Love’s Abode should make a special effort to back them up by sending them a letter (no matter how short) once a month. After all the lads at home like to hear from you but it’s a special tonic to the lads overseas to know they are not forgotten by their brother Rovers, Let us resolve for 1943 to keep in touch no matter where we may land. Wishing you all ‘Aw the best’ and roll on the Victory Show. Keep the flag flying. /J.B.F. Flash, flash, flash. Jackie Piper is now a Surgeon Lieutenant. John Baird has now left Scotland for London district and Ian is on the N.C.O. ladder again. Jackie has got a Jenny Wren to tuck him in and is learning the traditions and regulations of the Navy. John’s foot-slogging and Ian is cast for a possible show. (We saw Colin recently and he’s a jolly fine kiddie) Tommy Thomson is now training as an observer and having the grandest, time since he joined. Jimmie Johnston‘s monthly letter includes a photo group-lads in his camp who are Scouts. Jimmie looks very fit & is still cheery playing in shows, and asks for you all. Jim’s acquiring a tea-circle again calling on Jimmy’s & Jack’s relatives nearby. Trust him! Murray – full of punch as ever visualises a Crew reunion complete with many offsprings. Dick has no word of coming home yet but is getting a spell of famous cast ENSA shows. Chortie has passed his OCTU and will be home with pip in February. Congrats. Jack’s been accepted for N.F.S. & is waiting to be posted, & David G. of A(Army) F.S. was home and is getting on fine. So’s David Clark, the wireless man.. George Kay is away overseas – so jolly good luck George – we’re thinking of you. Remember Peter Williamson, he’s still strafing in the Mediterranean and gets Joy from Bulletin. He’s very hopeful of Allied success. “We have done our best to amuse you all and we trust succeeded now the page is full” Discretion is the difference of sex between animals. © 104th Edinburgh North East Scout Group