Rover Bulletin No. 27 NUMBER TWENTY SEVEN. 26th. November 1943. Download PDF Dear Lads, TO ALL AND EVERY ONE OF YOU WE SEND GOOD CHEER AND A SAFE AND SPEED RETURN. Listen to what Jimmy (Johnston) says in his latest letter, just arrived from his prison camp “I’m in the very best of spirits and keeping as fit as possible under the circumstances which at times are inclined to be a bit boring. We are getting ready for our Christmas Panto ‘Old King Cole’ and I hope to send you a set of stage photos later. Remember the Day will Dawn. Tattie Peelins to you all. Jas Jonas”. After some searching Mr. Leask has brought the grand news that Sandy Kay has met Dan Logan in India and that Dan is a George Medal man. He got the award for coolness and courage shown at a time of bombing of a temporary hospital in London where he was Assistant Medical Officer – some time ago of course. The older members will remember Dan and his own special characteristics Although we never receive any letters from Albert Swan we learn that he is now a proud father. Another piece of news that has filtered in is that Tom Bogie may be in Alexandria. For the last three months now We have had the able assistance in the production of this Bulletin, of Margaret (Booth) Jack’s cousin. (For you auld yins, nothing to do with Sandy’s cousin). Boys she’s a smasher and we couldn’t get on without her. Post war planning will we have a ladies section? Early in the month we had a visit from David (Gosman) on leave because of his mothers death. We extend your sincere sympathy to him. Robbie represented the Crew at Warriston. Look out for Dick, David he’s near you now. Other visits were paid by Tommy (Thomson) and George (Simpson). Tommy is still knocking up a higher score of raids, and George is marking time before going overseas for further training. Tommy is now a Pathfinder and wears the rings of a Flying Officer. From Dick (Spaven) “Don’t faint chaps it really is Spaven at long last” He is now in Orkney with his pip and all and all. Hearty congratulations. We’re mighty pleased to have your glad news. He has landed in a sporting mass, hockey, rugby etc., and we note he is also a Censor – some sport. Ian (Furnival) sweltering in the African tropics, has received his first Bulletin there and enjoyed it top-hole. He included a photo of himself wearing what looks like a Scout hat with the brim turned up at one side (Australian style) and in tropical rig. He looks grand and says he feels so, but the heat – it’s just too hot. Football (Africans playing with their bare feet) provides great entertainment although cricket has now started. African announcement – listen “Grand Dance, Ladies Free, Seats 2/-, everything you want for 2/-, Respectability essential.” He sends “A Merry Xmas and a Guid New Year to all! Great News – Murray (Frier) is now Quarter Master Sergeant, Store Basher No.l, with Basutho lads to keep things cheery. He says “All hands on deck for 1944, the greatest year of all. It’s got to be for I’m getting fed up spending Christmas away from home. No bad, eh, fellas”. The Brown and White flies high with Murray. John Baird (still on the move) has been having a soaking in really bad conditions, but has now eaten his fill and looks forward to some more leave. He says “If the Bulletin was to stop I should miss it tremendously. I simply long for each edition.” Thank you John, that is a compliment. George (Simpson) now enjoying the freedom of civvy billets, is doing an R.A.F. Regiment course – thoroughly enjoyable. “I have been graded as a pilot and am on top of the world”. He certainly looks it. Peter (Williamson) has now passed in his exams and is now an instructor attached to Combined Operations. He may move shortly. Jim, writing as breezingly as ever, thinks Ian has landed in The Garden of Eden. Remarking on RAF trainees he says “We will be able to start squadron when the War is over.” On Rowan’s booking his fourpence worth for 1944 “Tell him he gets in the queue with the rest of us. We all hope to be home then.” Jim is away further North again. We’ve had no word from the Skipper and his Mate at Dunoon, Jim. In David (Gosman)’s letter received also he says “My existence (Sleep, work, and the inevitable pictures date about 1925) is as usual. We’ve no wireless so I presume there’s still a war on. The Army is now trying a new type of Austerity Trifle – dog biscuits soaked in static water.” Some humourist, what. “Why is it the Army has so much rice (several times a week) yet Indians in Bengal are starving?” David says Ronald Scott (an old pal of his) is at Meerut in India. John (Thomson) now Flight Sergeant, has written direct to say he is now in Italy having been in Malta and Sicily. They have a wizard mess and in the towns the sights (lovely signorinas) oh boy are they sweet. Good luck John and congratulations on your promotion. HEARTY CHRISTMAS GREETINGS AND ALL GOOD WISHES. Cheerio. © 104th Edinburgh North East Scout Group