Rover Bulletin No. 31

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NUMBER THIRTY ONE.  31st. March 1944

Dear Lads,

Most of you will be anxious to hear any further news of Tommy (T) but nothing new is available. We have received his address and have written him his first. His people have written several tines but there appears to be no return service yet.

This month we have several replies of note.

One from Nibby (R. Nisbet) (sending 10/ – contribution) writing his first since the War, but he was our first (before the Bulletin) for he was the first to leave and went to sea and wrote then. He recalls old times and sayings and says though some names in the Bulletin are new to him it grows on him more and more. “My son Vic (now 2) has the makings of a real 4th Rover” Good old Nibby.

Mrs Suttie (Jim’s mother) was delighted to hand on Jims address. 

George (Pringle) is looking forward to the coming sowing and lambing seasons end gives Sandy the chance to sell his last years grain.

From” The Braes Family” came a grand letter – listen – about Tommy. “He has done a grand job of work and richly deserved the D.F.C. Wo are all very proud of our Rovers and look forward very much to the day when we can have a grand reunion at the Banks Cottage.” 

Johnny (Thomson) (F/Sgt R.A.F.) sends his best wishes to you from Italy, “Life with me is much the same. I keep very fit despite living under canvas, Scouting must have done me some good” Glad to hear it and best of luck, Johnny.

We hear that Hal (Stewart) has been having more narrow squeaks but may stay here for a while now.

Many will remember Jackie Melrose when in the Troop. Very sad news comes that through being overseas on service he has contracted some unknown disease which is making him slowly blind and hardening his arteries. He is having the best attention but all are baffled so far.

Mr. Duncan (Our R,J.D.) has been awarded the Scout Medal of Merit for loyalty and devotion and service to the Movement. Mr. Crawford presented it. Who know better than the 4th that is long overdue. In our Group alone who does not know that he is unfailingly still at its very heart and soul. The foundations on which we build are largely his laying. 

Peter (Williamson) and Gilbert were both home recently. Peter got the 1939-43 Mediterranean Star with Clasp for service in the push. Congratulations to Peter our youngest medalist.

We learn that Hughie (Clark) has now been graded for duty as a Pilot and that Will Taylor (Instrument maker) is about to go overseas. Jack (Piper) faithfully paid us a visit. He still puts in a lot of hard and unspectacular work (Dentistry). 

Ding dong bells!!!  Another baby is born, Tom (Bogie) has now a son and heir. Joys to Lorenza and Tom. Tom’s also got a new boss who lived recently in Aberdour (small world).

John (Baird) is still labouring away with bad weather and vehicles constantly on the move no days off but the now cooks compensate a bit. 

George (Simpson) has landed out beside Eck in South Africa though he has not met him yet. Sports entertainments and really super food and no black-out. Oh boy you’re in luck George.

Jimmy (Johnston) hopes that next year will see him home. He is still fit and well and enjoyed immensely their recent show composed and produced by a follow P.O.W. “Greetings to all” he says. Good luck, dear pal, Jimmy. “I hope to be home and resume as an A.S.M. with the lads” Peter, Jimmys brother, writes midst his nighty hard and dangerous work on the Anzio beach-head to ask for you all. 

Murray (Frier) still sees Tom Bogie and sends his congrats to Dick on his engagement and says The Green Button Club has got quite a shake. You will not see me for a bit yet if I can read the signs” He’s discovered a a fish and chip shop down the road and needless to say he is a good customer.

Joey (Stewart) is shifting all over the place and is really marking time till he goes overseas. He suggests We keep a map to pin point the positions of all on it, and says “There must be at least one in every Continent of the rather up-turned planet of ours”

Ian(Furnival) after a spot of skin trouble is O.K. again. Tennis has started out there. Christmas was great with parties, and coloured lights etc. etc. Six of them put on a half hour show on an open air stage under the palms.

Chortie (Turnbull) has been very busy on Radio-location. About Richards engagement he says jestingly “It makes me think that I will have to brush up my knitting or something or I will be left behind, But why buy a book when you can join a library” Yet another of Chortie’s trading ventures has made another 5/- for the Bulletin, 

Jim (Frier – of course) says “I can’t tell you how delighted I was to get the news that Tommy was safe and sound. He’s safe enough where he is now. Congrats to Richard and his whirlwind tactics. Duggie is more useful at home than in the Army. To Joey – We’re aw needed (Navigators, Armourers etc.)” About the spate of modals he says ” Who knows I may get a Naffi medal myself” For patronising the canteen James? To David (G) he says “Some guys like to do things the hard way” 

Murray has met Bill Buchan (now a Lieut), and adds that the Dickie Family at Aberdour are all well and asking for you all and that Margaret (Jacks cousin) gets a special vote of thanks for helping with the typing.

The league now stands as under, Not including Albert who has one (sex we do not know) this makes the sides even lads so the gang’s going well.

Jim (Suttie)21Jimmy (J)1
Nibbie 1George (K)1


© 104th Edinburgh North East Scout Group