Rover Bulletin No. 23

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NUMBER TWENTY-THREE      30th July, 1943.

Dear Lads, (& felly cairters)

From our number above you’ll see we’re nearing the completion of 2 years Bulletins and we hope to make our next issue ‘a little different’ to mark the occasion, So all you fellows with bright Ideas send them along. Jim thinks this will be the last year of issue so send in letters you laggards and help us.

JOHN BAIRD was home early in the month on embarkation leave – gee whiz. Then later on he turned up again on another flying visit and now lo & behold has a third leave – so what!

JACK S. has completed his 4 weeks training and is on regular duties (including 4days leave already) ‘It’s not, bad’ he says.

BILL Mac. paid us a visit (with his wife – Jim please note new and original excuse for getting away early) and we did appreciate it. Bill’s still in the same place but would welcome a change. It’s a bit hard when your C.O. finds you too useful to part with.

In answer to many queries:- JIMMY REILLY is a prisoner of war but there is no official notification yet. 

Ina Niven (Braes to us)  was presented with a baby daughter – Jean – on 10th inst. and returns love to the boys and thanks for our good wishes, Both doing grand.

PETER WILLIAMSON. paid us a visit and handed us a bombshell. He is 20 but is getting married tomorrow in London to the lady you may have met here in the Cottage before he joined up. You certainly took our breath away Peter and again we wish you all the best. (What about it ye auld yins)

Good news from IAN is that he has arrived safe and well and is in West Africa Force. Mattie (Ian’s wife) is very pleased.

For ROBBIE, DUGGIE & SANDY their fire courses are completed in the meantime and they’ve returned to their stations and hope to get some jobs to attend.

The Troop has now dropped regular meetings till October. Their latest success are the District Shield and the Junior Football Five-a-sides (newly started this year) and outside jobs of assisting the Cubs and acting as parkies at the Zoo etc, completed their main news 

ALI & CAMPBELL Mac are both through another year and both are entering their final years. Ali’s again doing more midwifery practice with good results and Campbell is getting further practical experience with a vet in town. Any operation to man or animal promptly executed!!

JIM is away south again in Oxfordshire. He says “Charlie Portal seems to like shoving me around. You can’t keep a good man down” He’s had a spot of boating on the Thames, tennis (joke) and a cup of browned off water (called tea) with a touch of saccharine – really posh – and he doesn’t think. With no reflections on our Rover officers he says (the he is DAVID GOSMAN) “With a few less pips and stripes we’d get along a bit better. A real soldier is a private with a Tam-o’-Shanter on his head.” Pick the bones out of that one youse yins. 

Duggie is not a Section Leader nor are Robbie and Sandy Leading Firemen. He says “If ever there is a fire at the Cottage you should be shot! He’s starting a now hobby making sheep-skin rugs. Umpteen per cent profit this game. Rugs say £5 a piece. What offers?

CHORTIE. gasping for time and having moved only another six times says, “The last bulletin arrived O.K. How are the funds – could you be doing with a spot of organisation to provide some ‘doodle’ Let me know if you want me to get moving” What a lad! More than great. Our reply is yes and let us know how we can cooperate. You’ve the brains of a Nuffield. He enclosed & super photo of himself for which thanks. He came to the rescue at a dance at which the band didn’t turn up, ‘did a spot of prestidigitation (tricks to you) and it went down well. Bookings followed galore but thinks he’s far too busy. 

TOMMY HYSLOP is still at sea. He enjoyed his last visit to port at dances and parties – bursting into song (we’ll take a note of that). He visited Dick and Chortie’s former station. 

TOM BOGIE is now in the Navy after applying for the R.A.F. He is a Sick Bay Attendant at the moment but expects to be transferred to special squad of Sanitary Inspectors. Good old brother Sanitas!

GEORGE SIMPSON has been having quite a number of exercises recently. His squadron won an Efficiency Shield. He himself has been made a cadet sergeant and expects to be home on leave next month. 

DICK SPAVEN apologies for delay in writing but says his mind reminds him of ‘Andy’s wee shop so full of little things there is hardly room to turn’ He had a narrow escape in London and recovered his wind in a Lyon’s Corner House pondering on certain chapters in ‘Rovering to Success’ His bike is giving trouble, he dreams of tubes and counts patches in his sleep instead of sheep.

MURRAY, now a Lance Sergeant, says the Botanic Gardens hot-house would be as cool a place as any. Temp 118° F. and In the sun 140, then the mosquitoes start dive-bombing at night. Dooking is the high-spot of the day. 

JIMMIE JOHNSTON. faithfully writed. He’s had a poisoned foot but is now well and says “I only hope I shall be home soon to have a real pow-pow” Peter, his brother is now in M.E.F.

Mr Wright (St. Serf’s minister, you know) wrote asking for you all He says In my journeys I’m always on the look-out for St. Serf’s Rovers. Probably there is more chance of meeting them in Tunis or Cairo. He’s glad to hear of the successes of the Troop

11 p.m. DAVID CLARK has just dropped in to the cottage and has announced that he has got another tape – on his arm – and is now a sergeant. We have given him our congratulations. 

The garden needs the usual weekly attention but the ‘heid gardener’ is the man who does most of the work here. AlL we do is cutting the grass and watering. With so few of us we do not have time for the conversations and arguments in the middle of the lawn we used to have.


© 104th Edinburgh North East Scout Group