Rovers’ Bulletin No. 34

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 NUMBER THIRTY-FOUR       30th June, 1944

Dear Lads,

Although this month has been very quiet with no visitors on Fridays we have some very important news of those at home. Sandy gave us all a pleasant surprise in announcing his engagement to Miss Ailie Brown. We have not met her so far but from photos of her it will be a pleasure to look forward to. Every one of you will wish to add your congratulations to those we have offered personally.


Someone else whom most of you know is engaged too, Gay (Jack’s sister) to Murray Thomson who is a doctor where Gay was a nurse. We send them our congratulations.

More congratulations are for Bobby Finlay who has graduated B.Sc. with 1st class Honours in Mining Engineering and has won the Vans Dunlop Scholarship too. Great stuff.

During this most eventful of months, to any who may be engaged in the most heroic battles in Normandy, we’ve been thinking of you and praying to God that you will come back safely and with the satisfaction of having had a crack at Jerry.

Less cheerful news this month is that we regret to say. that Jimmy Johnston’s father is sinking slowly and Jackie Melrose has had a slight relapse. 

Duggie has now been allocated to shale-mining and expects to start nearby very shortly. He hopes to carry on with his Scout activities as usual. Good work, Duggie. 

Robbie paid us a visit. He’s still welfare officer on an outside job. The Scouts attended an annual Church Parade at St. Serf’s and a full turnout and smart parade it was too. 

A first letter has arrived from Tommy (Thomson) from Oflag 4. He looks forward to grand reunion and wonders about Jimmy Johnston, He says, “I have only met two people I know so far, but there are a great many interesting people here, some who have been down three and four years. As yet I am just a beginner. See you soon, Yours aye, Tom.” Very cheery. All possible good Luck, Tommy! We’re passing on all the dope to him, lads, in a private bulletin of his own.

George (Simpson) after chipping the bone of his finger at rugger is progressing fast – 21 hours flying (8 solo) and aerobatics too. He says, “This is the life” He has spoken to Eck on the phone and hopes to spend the week-end with him soon. Stuff to give em. He says, “I’m glad to see that Muz. our ambassador to the Near East is keeping the old 4th flag flying. The Rover crew formed in North Africa is now functioning in Italy”. A friend of George’s has Duggie McLaughlan (from Aberdour) as F/Sgt. Navigator in his squadron small world! All the best George.


Will (Taylor) (Instrument repairer,R.A.F.) sends his good wishes from a new & lonely place where they’ve given them bikes, so he enjoys the countryside. 

Ian (Moffat) still packing in his training and just about fed up with tests and is tickled over Peter Williamson’s blessed event.”I still remember him as a small but tough Second in the Troop. How is Hughie Clark coming on since passing as pilot?” No news, Ian. What about it Hughie? 

We’ve no news of Joey Stewart (Away overseas ) yet, nor is there any word of Jimmy Reilly (P.O.W.In Thailand) His people are inserting a few words from us in their next 24 word card to him. 

Dave (Gosman) is now away overseas. He tells us at length how he appreciates the Bulletins saying many of his pals read them too even although they don’t know us. He wonders how many read Murray’s and George Kay’s copies. George Kay’s brother is in India. David visited an English pub recently for the 1st time = which had a small stage – and was greatly entertained and educated. “I’m still a teetotaller and therefore returned perfectly Sober”  Good Luck, Dave.

Bill (McKelvie) says”I’m still teaching blokes which end of rifle is the wrong one. Haven’t done so many route marches for two years. Decent crowd of blokes though.” Most are waiting to go abroad, some are back with great tales to tell. One – taken prisoner at Mareth – after all platoon killed and no ammo left, escaped, spent two days with German patrol without them realising who he was after terrific adventures got back. Was only a kid too. So Lads, join the infantry and really see life. Saddler Wells Ballet gave them a show & they in turn had them for supper and showed them round their ‘Castle” quarters. The ballet girls were doing acrobatics on the battlements and down in the dungeons. Talk about a party.  More good cheer to Dorothy to chase away her Sciatica.


George (Pringle) sends his regards from Gala.  George (Kay) is in the thick of it in Italy. Was at Cassino and is now in the push north. Very best of luck George. 

Jimmy Johnston is still as keen as over & tells us of their Easter show Bright and Breezy . “Our shows are on similar lines to the Rover Shows – curtain 7.30 prompt and non-stop. We re doing Dover Road In a few months. All the lads seem to be away now, but give them my kindest regards.” We’ve sent him some plays, sketches etc and are making up a list of music to send. 

Murray (Frier) has come against another Rover Crew and has joined – great, but has since been moved back to the desert.

Jim (Frier) has moved again –  south to England again. Hard Luck -more connections to work up. He says about Duggie & Sandy’s call up (possible) to the mines, “We can’t allow the pillars of the Scouts and Rovers to be removed, besides the Goldenacre and Trinity people might not approve of these lads coming home in their dirty clothes. Why not both try to got a Job with Bruce Lindsay’s and you will be able to keep your friends right.

Since writing the above we learn that Jackie Melrose died this week & Mr Leask & Bobby Finlay attended the funeral yesterday. We forgot to mention that Tommy Thomson must have been injured some time ago as he speaks of getting some steel removed from his person but by now will have been out of hospital for a month or two.

All for now

Keep writing. G’night

© 104th Edinburgh North East Scout Group