Rovers’ Bulletin No. 35

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NUMBER THIRTY-FIVE.    28th. July 1944.

Dear Lads,

Need we add anything further to the great news of the internal cracking up of Germany, than that it can’t happen too quickly and you fellows can’t come back too fast. 

Alasdair (McKellar) is now through as a Doctor. Great stuff. Best of luck for your future, Ali. 

Duggie (Scott) is now at a shale mine getting broken in before going below. He likes it well enough. 

Mr. Whitelaw, our next door neighbour here, has passed away after a prolonged illness. We very much regret to tell you of the death of Mr. Johnston (Jimmy’s father). As you know he had been very ill for a good long time and it now will come as a relief to all to know he is at last at rest. We’ve written to Jimmy on your behalf. Mr. Duncan and Mr. Leask attended the funerals.

Jimmy (Johnston) still remains as bright as ever. It will be some time before we get a reply from him.

Indirect news is here that Will (Taylor) is now waiting embarkation and  that Hugh (Clark) is helping with the clearing of bomb damage in London.

Jim (Suttie) in Aden wrote to say “hello” to you all especially to Nibby. Apart from some awkward feeding incidents and climate conditions he is doing well. Thank you Jas. Remember “Somebody’s b… my Sax.” At a boy.

Murray (Frier) is now at base and expects to join the Infantry, and then, “go places” soon. Well- well. Best of luck Murray. He says he thinks Tom (Bogie) is now in Italy. “The Green Button Club is getting a knock fairly regularly and the latest my dear pal Sanny, Quite a surprise. All the very best, Sanny, and one of these days I’ll follow your example, if all is well” We’re sure it will be. Good luck. “I wish I could meet Rowan” 

Chorty (Turnbull) is on the killing of the ‘doodle bugs’ and they’ve five to their credit so far. He says “I hope to be the ‘worst woman’ at Dick’s wedding and see him successfully tied in a knot. I was very pleased to hear of Sandy’s engagement and am definitely thinking of putting a note in Pegs Paper for a business agreement with some fond female – it’s the only way one can get 7 days leave” Apart from lack of sleep, taking wrong turnings and having arguments with edges of houses, lorries and drivers, he is enjoying the countryside he is in, not to mention its fruit.

Hal (Stewart) wonders how Jim is doing with the sassenachs. says “Congrats to Sandy – The bachelors ranks are getting gey thin now. I’m still tootling back and forward across the Atlantic like the No.23 Car from Goldenacre and with the same regularity, only the trip up the Mound is more interesting. My baby daughter is talking now.”

Ian (Furnival) says “is it too much to expect a preliminary celebration in the Cottage this Xmas?” “My regards to Mr. Leask, Mr. Duncan and all the Friers, especially Jim. I’m very fit.” 

George (Simpson) has now spent a week-end with Eck and Betty in Pretoria. They jawed most of the time “just like old times at Loves Abode – Wee Sma hoors. Betty and Eck are very happy indeed. I hope to revisit them. I’m going on to twins (Airspeed Oxfords) and have about 50 hours flying in now. I did my long cross country and didn’t get lost – amazing eh” Thank you George and are we pleased – well.

Joey (Stewart) sent his first since leaving here – says “At long list I’ve arrived (Where he doesn’t say) . He has had lots of experiences- terrific heat – but wonderful trip – grub excellent but billets meantime like byres – changing soon.

Dick (Spaven) (now a Lieut) his been very busy making arrangements for his forthcoming wedding. He says “I’m getting married in Yeovil on1st August and if any of the boys happen to be in the neighbourhood, or can get there, then they are more than welcome to dance at the aforementioned wedding. I suppose after that I shall take my place on the League as having played none, won none, lost none and drawn none. Although that is likely to be the state for some time I hope that eventually I may increase the score and not let down the average of virility.” All the very best of wishes for you and yours Dick

Ian (Moffat) had a surprise call from Jim. Grand. Motor biking, sports etc are his main activities. He says “I think Jim should get a medal for ill the contacts he has made”

Jim (Frier) sends his congrats to Gay (Stewart) and says “with a Doctor and a Nurse on the crew list we should be able to get our medical advice at reduced rates.” He was out with Ian Moffat and says Ian is getting bigger and heftier than ever. “The Army feeding of tattie peelans and tea leaves seems to agree with him. Best of luck to Bill with Monty’s boys. Who knows we may have a 4th reunion there yet if old Joe doesn’t push Jerry too hard.” To George (Kay) he says “It wont be long now George. Hope to see you at South Trinity Road soon. I must say Jimmy (Johnston) and Tommy (Thomson) carry out the 8th Scout Law to the full. There is no lack of spirit with them. Give me North of the border anytime.”

Bill (McKelvie) is in France He’s mighty pleased and had a grand crossing and says “Everything is hunky dory over here. No troubles and I’m as fit as a fiddle. I could eat a horse. In the open each man cooks his own. I’m getting hot stuff at it. I’ve just taken over a Company – no promotion though. Had a bath in a basin of water done my washing and darned my socks – like Scout camp again. I’ve met a lot of Edinburgh lads. Thank Jim for calling on Dorothy – very welcome. Since receiving this, news comes from Bills wife that he is back in this country wounded – in left arm not seriously. Dear, oh dear, Bill, we do hope everything goes well with you. We will let you know further developments.

Cheerio and as Jim says “It’ll no be long”

© 104th Edinburgh North East Scout Group