Rovers’ Bulletin No.36

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NUMBER THIRTY-SIX.   31st August 1944

Dear Lads,

You’ll notice from the number above that we’ve now completed three years of publication and we’re glad to say the news gets better and better. The latest bombshell comes in the form of another engagement. Rowan (Finlay), on his way back to the Sudan became engaged on board ship to a Glasgow girl. Best of luck Rowan! 

You’ll all be glad to hear that Bill (McKelvie) has recovered again and is away back to his unit.

Some shrapnel was extracted from the muscles of his left arm laving a bit of a hole which has now healed. He was here for a short spell and was full of beans.

Jack (Piper) also called. He is still in the same place working as hard as ever. Another very welcome visit came from Tommy (Hislop) home with more strings of experiences. What do you think of this? while he was in the States, in port for 10 days, he took part in a singing competition and did so well that he toured tho country with somebody or others band for about a week afterwards and had a grand time of it. This Victory Show of ours is going to be some show, what!

Hugh (Clark) called too. He is now near Oakham, Rutland, doing well.

The ban on visits to Aberdour is lifted and the Leask, Dickie and Braes families are all asking for you. The Cottage is still O.K. though a bit rusty, and ready for you all. Happy memories! 

Isobel (Braes) said “We are certainly looking forward to having you all up at the Cottage soon – all the fiancés, wives and bairns will have to cone too”. 

Stanley (Christie) was home. He’s getting on fine. 

Ding, dong, bells!! Guess who popped in yesterday? Peter (Williamson) up to see his baby daughter born two days ago, He’s a smacking good looking young Tar, with a smile from ear to ear.

Murray (Frier) is waiting (to give evidence we expect, and hope) for court martial proceedings and but for that would probably have been in Italy. ‘It’s an ill wind’ He has given a pint of blood for the cause. Bravo.

Tom (Bogie) is now in Naples and much busier. His job takes him about the country a bit and is very interesting.

Gilbert (Williamson) is now attached to the R.A.F. and is going on a battle course shortly.

Ian (Thomson) a new name to most, a lad from the Troop, has newly joined the Navy and is recovering from an operation the Navy decided he required.

Joey (Stewart) is in Port Elizabeth and is going to contact George( Simpson) What Ho- another reunion! In an intake of cadets Joey met George Liston and had a fine blether. He is up to the eyes in it and hopes to go on to flying school soon. The country and the hospitality are marvellous. 

George (Simpson) has passed all his finals – next stop S.F.T.S. Great – George. We’ve sent Joey your address and no doubt you’ve received his.

Jimmy (Johnston) says “Hello, every body, I am still in the best of health and spirits and sincerely hope you are all the same and keeping the good old 4th spirit going.” I expect by now a lot of the lads will be in France – Please send them my good luck – I only wish i was there to help them, Tattie peelans and home next year.”

Ian (Moffat) now through with terrific P.T. tests expects some leave shortly. Keep Jim in order down there. You know Jim is an expert hitch-hiker – with the big nobs too – nothing like it.

Wo sent Dick (Spaven) a wire on his wedding day, and from Cheddar beside the stalactites and stalagmites he says “Wo are both having a grand time weather perfect” so that’s jolly fine. 

John (Baird) has been on tho Second Front for two months and says the R.A.F. is doing its stuff well. Tho eats are certainly good. The lads there say that the end will come in a few months. Jolly good luck, John, and look after yourself.

David (Gosman) has arrived out in India, (N.W. Frontier) and had a great trip out. The place he is at is a soldiers dream station – shaved in bed, tea brought in, boots cleaned, bed made etc. etc., snag is he wont be there long. He says “Tell the lads not to fear coming here – its paradise – so far. See you all out here some day.”

Will (Taylor) has now arrived in West Africa. We’re sending his address to Ian (Furnival) also W.A.F. and vice versa. It is a big place but you never know. Will says, native huts, sticky heat terrific, but scenery reminds him of Scotland – good cinema. Best of luck!, we’ll keep you in touch,

Last and by no means last, Jim (Frier) overflows at the interest you all still show in the Crew. He recalls Captain Bands words “Truly a great bunch of lads” (Ed. Ahem!) He says  Ralston Douglas father has died and that Ralston is invalided back from India. “It is good to think that Jas ‘someone’s pinched my Sax’ Suttie still thinks of the good old days. We’ll need the Usher Hall for our reunion. I aye think of Jas as one of the originals of 1928 as Little Miss Simplicity in the Rollicking Rover Riot” 

Jim tried very hard to got to Dick’s wedding but found it all over after a long search. Dick was married at 9.30 a.m. What’s the idea Dick? Jim Says “I was wondering what a military wedding would be like and was practising tho art of kissing the bride and standing at attention.’

He also visited Winchester (Hals wife) Gwyneth, (Hals daughter) is a real live wire. A smasher Hal. “Tell Ian (F) I hope to meet him at the preliminary reunion at Xmas” “I’m glad Bill has made a speedy recovery. Roll on the Victory Show! Start planning bhoys! Bring along all your ideas.”

Best of everything, to everyone – Cheerio!

© 104th Edinburgh North East Scout Group