Privacy Notice
What is this GDPR Privacy Notice?
This Privacy Notice sets out what we do with Personal Data and what you can expect from us as part of our obligations when processing this Personal Data.
1. Membership Information
What data are we gathering?
We hold Personal Data about members, parents/guardians and volunteers. We believe it is important to be open and transparent about how we will use your Personal Data. Information we hold includes the following:
- name (child, parents/guardians, volunteer) and contact details;
- date of birth of child or volunteer
- date joined
- medical information
- special needs information
- school
- parents’ occupations
- awards/badges and stages of work towards these
Why do we collect this information?
We use this information to communicate with you and to carry out our obligations as Scout Leaders. We also have a responsibility to keep information about you, both during your membership and afterwards (due to our safeguarding responsibilities and also to help us if you leave or rejoin). The list of activities we carry out as part of Scouting that may require the use of Personal Data include:
- To enable us to provide a voluntary service for the benefit of the public;
- To manage our volunteers
- To manage our membership and award records
- To update you on events and
- To conduct surveys on our performance
- To comply with insurance requirements
- For financial accounting
- To fundraise for the Scout Group
- To process Gift Aid applications
How do we gather data?
We gather data through a variety of methods, these include:
- contact form on paper or by email;
- waiting lists for new
- joiners forms
When will we delete this data?
As far as membership information is concerned, to make sure of continuity (for example leavers and then re-joiners) and to carry out our legal responsibilities relating to safeguarding young people, we keep membership information throughout the membership and after it ends for six years.
Who has access to this data and who do we share it with?
Only those members who need membership information to carry out their role have access to that information.
We may share membership data with other local scouting groups where this activity is required to deliver the scouting group obligations, such as stand in leaders. We do not store credit card details, nor do we share data with third parties without permission.
We will share the personal data of youth members and their parents/guardians with The Scout Association Headquarters for the purpose of managing safeguarding cases. The privacy and security notice for The Scout Association can be found here: The sharing of this data will be via the Online Scout Manager platform which is used by 104th ENE to manage youth membership. The privacy and security notice for OSM can be found here:
Where will the data be stored?
This data is securely stored:
- paper records in a locked filing cabinet
- electronic records on Compass, run by The Scouting Association
- electronic records on Online Scout Manager – for their GDPR policies see
- secure Cloud storage system Google Drive – for their GDPR policies see
We take data security seriously.
2. Activity/overnight information
What data are we gathering?
We will hold Personal Data (including Special Category Data) about members and volunteers attending activities, and overnight stays, parent/guardian contact details. Information we may hold includes the following:
- child’s name
- name and parent/guardian contact details;
- any additional emergency contact details;
- age/date of birth;
- details of any health conditions
- doctor and doctor’s contact details
- dietary requirements (only if relevant to the activity)
- religion (only if relevant to the activity).
Why do we collect this information?
We use this information to communicate with you and to carry out our obligations as Scout Leaders. We also have a responsibility to keep information about you and any health related information to fulfil our duty of care. We collect data for registration to events, including nights away, which we ask for to allow us to provide appropriate care for members whilst under our supervision. The list of activities we carry out as part of Scouting that may require the use of Personal and Special Category Data include:
- To enable us to provide an activity/activities for the benefit of the members
- To identify the member taking part in the activity
- To verify that the member’s age is appropriate for the activity
- To verify parental responsibility for authorisation to register the member for the event
- To manage and care for our members and volunteers, including being aware of any disabilities, medical requirements, cultural or other additional needs
- To manage our membership records
- To conduct surveys on our performance
- To comply with insurance requirements
- For financial accounting
How do we gather data?
We gather activity/overnight data on paper forms.
When will we delete this data?
The paper forms will be shredded six months after the activity/overnight unless there has been an incident which has required investigation or review. In this case, the forms may be kept for the duration of the investigation or review and for some years after depending on the nature of the investigation.
Who has access to this data and who do we share it with?
Only those members who need membership information to carry out their role have access to that information.
We may share this data with District or other parts of the organisation in the case of events organised by other Scout units or in the case of investigation or review of an incident.
In the case of trips abroad, some data on members and volunteers will need to be shared with providers of transport and accommodation.
Where will the data be stored?
This data is securely stored:
- secure Cloud storage system Google Drive – for their GDPR policies see
- paper records in a locked filing cabinet, or in a locked document folder during the activity/overnight
3. Gift Aid Information
What data are we gathering?
We hold Personal Data about members, parents/guardians and anyone donating to the organisation. Information we hold includes the following:
- name (child, parents/guardians, donor),
- donor’s address
- amount;.
- date donated
Why do we collect this information?
We use this information to comply with HMRC regulations relating to claiming Gift Aid.
How do we gather data?
We gather this data via paper forms
When will we delete this data?
This data will be kept for 7 tax years in line with HMRC requirements. After this it will be shredded.
Who has access to this data and who do we share it with?
Only those members who need this information to carry out their role have access to that information.
The data is also shared with HMRC.
Where will the data be stored?
This data is securely stored as:
- paper records in a locked filing cabinet
- electronic submission stored by HMRC.
Further information
What are your rights to your Personal Data
As a Data Subject you have rights over your own data that you can exercise at any time, these are:
- Data is accurate – we must keep your data accurate
- Data is erased – we must erase data if not needed or requested by you, that is not excessive and is possible
- Data is portable – we must provide a copy of your data back to you
- Data processing is limited – we must cease a processing activity if you object to it
- Consent withdrawal – we must allow you to withdraw consent at anytime
In the event that you wish to contact us to exercise these rights or for any further queries on this Privacy Notice please contact us (see the “Contact” page of our website)